Friday, 24 June 2016

Rush: 2112 performance contract, more...

CLASSIC ROCK MAGAZINE had a feature earlier this year celebrating a 50th anniversary:

The History Of Rush by Geddy Lee & Alex Lifeson: The Early Years

...and Joe's Rock Pile has some Rush-related goodies currently up for auction. Be quick!

First-up is a package of promo & photo cards of Rush drummer & lyricist NEIL PEART in his pre-Rush days, keeping time for The Majority -- and wearing his necklace with a piece of Keith Moon's cymbal.

And incredibly, a very unique historical artefact -- an actual American Federation of Musician's union performance contract with RUSH for Valentine Day, 1976. Two shows for $1250 each, just before release of iconic 2112 album. 

Signed by Joe Recchia (the booking agent and "Joe" from this here "Joe's Rock Pile") and bandleader ALEX LIFESON

Comes with four mint unused tickets in all four colour variations (each show had different colour tickets, further sub-divided by student and non-student). Newspaper tear-sheet adverts and photos too. 

Check the listing HERE!

1 comment:

  1. The Majority picture on stairs:
    Top row: Wayne King & Bob Keep
    Middle row: Joe Szilagy & Neil Peart
    Bottom: R.C. Skinner
